To not be swept away by rapid technological advancement, it is necessary to read the direction of the wind of technology. This is not about having a sense of understanding by using complicated jargon, but essentially understanding why the wind blows from that direction and creating an effective vision for future busin ess. We believed that gathering a group of technical directors and researchers proficient in both thinking and hands-on work to ver balize and systematize their sense of technology would lead to create a compass for good manufacturing without being swayed by tech-trends.
It would be gratifying if “THE TECHNOLOGY REPORT” could serve as a catalyst for readers to read the flow of technology and create a vision to help understand the direction of technology, how to use it, and where to lead the future of business.

Issue:00 "Resolution"
From steam engines to autonomous d riving, human technology has continued to evolve. However, that progress has not been linear. So, are we now in a gentle growth phase, or are we in the midst of exponential evolution? There's no clear answer. But we can search for a signpost for exploring the current location of technology. One such measuring tool is “resolution” .

Issue:01 "Spectacle"
The evolution of spectacle in the 2020s can be contemplated fro m three aspects: “augmentation of reality”, “reproduction of more realistic exp eriences”, and the “re-importation from virtual to real” that occurs when these two values intersect. Now, let's delve into the world of spectacles. Beyond the stimulation and excitement, we should be able to have a glimpse of the shape of the future.

Issue:02 "Humanity"
The advancement of technology might be bringing about changes not just in our lives but in us humans ourselves. In this issue, we will explore the changes in humans brought about by tools. Will we achieve a world without inequalities through the augmentation and generalization of our capabilities? Or, conversely, will disparities widen? As technology evolves, how will humans transform themselves?